Friday, June 24, 2011

Where You At??

: : asslamualaikum : :

i just heard this songs. and i'm start fall in luv with Jennifer Hudson's voice. and the lyric meaning a lot..

"Where You At"

You said when the storm came
That you would be there with your umbrella to block the rain
And you said you'd protect me from heartache,
pain, lies, loneliness, and misery
You said you'll tear down the walls
that were in the way.
You promise things would be okay.
and I stood there in the freezing cold
and I waited for you but you never showed

Where you at [3x]
Boy you said you would be there for me
Where you at [6x]

Now you said you'll go to church stop slanging find a real job
and go to work and you said you would stay out the streets spend time with me take away my doubt and fears
and fulfill my dreams you said you would be the shoulder for my eyes to cry on
you said depend on and I stood there in the freezing cold and i waited for ya but you never showed

Where you at [5x]
Boy you said you'd be there for me
Where you at

And those false promises is much like fake names
you painted a picture for me but there was no frame
You made my future look bright and I believed every word
I went to sleep on the cloud and woke up in the dirt
And now I'm without shelter and the wind is blowing
you said you would be there for me boy when the tough got going
said if weapons formed stand in front of me
when ever I felt trapped you said that you
would be the one to set me free
Thought you were my hero but as it turned out you were no show

Tell me where you at
You said you would be there for me
Where you at [3x]
and I can't see, see, see, see
you said you'd be right there for me
so i'm waiting on ya right here until you appear and
deliver[3x] deliver boy deliver[3x]

Thursday, June 23, 2011

tadika saya

: : assalamualaikum : :

Tiba-tiba je rasa teringat masa zaman tadika dulu. masuk 6 tahun budak-budak semua dah bersepah mak bapak diorang masukkan kat sekolah tadika. konon nak pandai. macam aku jugak. kategori sangat! haha. ok. bila berfikir balik, masa sekolah tadika dulu, budak-budak cuma ada 1 saja sekolah tadika yang dicintai. tapi tidak aku..why berkata begini? sebab..masa dulu mak aku daftarkan 3 sekolah tadika. untuk lebih pandai? tidak mungkin. and i still don't have the answer for it. tadika aku ni terletak kat area skudai iaitu taman sri skudai, taman desa skudai dan taman sri putri. area ni dekat-dekat jep.

aku akan naik bas pergi tadika ni. driver bus ni nama pak atan. masa dekat tadika aku selalu kena buli dengan senior tadika. senior tadika ni yang masuk daftar tadika masa diorang umur 5 tahun. so kira senior la. dengan itu, setiap pagi akan membuat helah untuk tidak ke sekolah. demam, sakit perut, muntah-muntah. bila pukul 8 tu, aku da ready dalam tandas supaya mak bapak aku tau yang aku sakit. kemudian helah tu tak boleh diterima pakai disebabkan menggunakan helah yang sama berulang-ulang. kesian pak atan selalu kena tunggu lama kat depan rumah.

bila sudah kena marah, pergi sekolah dengan muka yang sangat kelat dan garang sekali. sampai pak atan pun dah faham sangat. pak atan pun akan hantar dekat tadika yang pertama, tapi aku tak nak turun. then, dia pun hantar kat tadika ke yang kedua, still aku tak nak turun. last dia hantar tadika yang ketiga. tetapi tetap tak nak turun jugak.. finally dia give up dia akan apnggil cikgu tadika untuk tarik aku. jahat betul! benci kau pak atan!

tapi kadang-kadang pak atan tau hari tu kena hantar aku pergi tadika mana, esok plak tadika yang mana. then, nak kena ambil aku kat mana satu tadika. gila la pak atan. dia leh ingat semua tuh. kalau amek spm, kau mesti straight A' kan..haha. aku rindu kau pak atan! :)

dulu masa tadika ada belajar lukis-lukis. cikgu akan bagi papan hijau yang kecil tu dan kapur warna warni. cikgu suruh lukis apa yang kita nak lukis then kena submit dekat dia and dapat markah. tapi tak tahu kenapa, aku suka lukis pelamin pengantin sanding. dan pengaruh itu telah sampai pada budak-budak yang lain yang masih suci ketika itu sehinggalah cikgu tadika sangat marah dan mengumumkan tidak boleh lagi melukis gambar seperti itu. oh! cikgu jahat sangat!

p/s : saya tak suka tadika saya!!
