Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Jom Kurus!

Cewwwaahh.. Tengok tajuk jep dah poyo. Ini semua poyoooo!!

Since i have a thinny friends in UiTM, i wonder with my body shape. Why it's getting width every minute? I eat less than them.....but i eat lot at night. Hee.. So when we hangout together and taking a lots picture, it's only nice by taking my picture focus only at face. Bila fokus badan, nampak lah GEYBUnya. Buruk sangat. Until i said to my friends, "biar aku jep la yang hamek gambar korang ekk" pfffttttt...

Kurusnya kome ni

And since i already reach my old age, 24 years old, my face looks so fierce because of lack of smile, i guess. Takkanlah nak senyum setiap masa. Giler plak orang ingat karang. "CANTIK TAPI GILA" hahahha... Ini akan menyebabkan saya kelihatan lebih tua. Kalau cover dengan make up boleh lah nampak macam Girl Generation. Gee..Gee.. Bahahahahah.. Tapi sampai bila nak cover dengan make up jep kan.

So..this semester break, i infuse the spirit to KURUS!! Yes! i'm seriously talk about it. Jadi, jangan gelak jahat please. Dosa ok. I start go jogging. I wondering where should i jogging. Ade 3 pilihan utama. 1.Hutan Bandar Mutiara Rini, 2.Sport Club House and 3.Padang Bola Keranjang UTM. Finally i choose Sport Club House sebab sangat dekat dan aku tak payah main tekan minyak kereta untuk drift pergi jogging. Huhu.

Alahai buruk betul. Penuh daun kering.

Mungkin sekali sekala pergi berenang plak. Awwwuuuu...

On my first day jogging, i choose Hutan Bandar Mutiara Rini. Konon sebab lebih luas, jadi aku akan cepat kurus. Giler tak logik. Hahaha.. But ok lah. It jus 3 round and i'm very tired when i'm back home. Sebab dah lama tak exercise, jadi badan tersangatlah terkejut dengan keputusan untuk kurus. Aku tak boleh lari sangat sebab kesan kemalangan masa darjah 4. So aku banyak jalan laju dan sekali sekala lari anak. Bukan ngendong anak sambil lari. Bukan yer!

Me : Omma, I'm back home! Look, Syra dah kuruskan?
Omma : Giler! Mana ada orang kurus 45minit jogging. Itu pun kalau jogging lah. Hahahhah
Me : MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKKK!!! Tak bagi support langsung la mak niiiiii...
Omma : Ok. Ok. Sorry. 
Me : Hmmm..
Omma : Hey how about we eat Ikan Siakap 3 Rasa and Tomyam Ayam tomorrow. Hah ni   
            ada udang sekali.  Syra masak Prawn Butter ok? 
Me : -______-

Masuk hari ni, da lima hari aku jogging. Skip 1 hari sebab hujan. Kalau tak hujan tu, aku memang jogging weyh. Memang akan jogging. Phuiiii!!!! Since, dah start jogging, my body lose weight. Alhamdulillah without nasi for 4 days only, i lose weight 3.2kg. Good job Insyirah! Congratulation.. :) But what suprised me was my skin face improved. Dah tak ada biji halus dan jerawat dah tak pesat lagi. Mungkin mengalami kemerosotan. Kesian. Hee.. Mungkin peluh yang keluar dari badan adalah toksin-toksin kotor yang tersimpan sekian lamanya. Baguslah kalau macam tu. :)

Alaa..tembam betol pipi kau yer nupciyah!

See my skin. Gud hohh??

Go Insyirah Go!

Monday, January 28, 2013


I'm giving up on everything
Because you messed me up
Don't know how much you
Screwed it up
You never listened
That's just too bad
Because I'm moving on
I won't forget
You were the one that was wrong
I know I need to step up and be strong
Don't patronize me
Have you forgotten
Everything that I wanted
Do you forget it now
You never got It
Do you get it now
Gotta get away
There's no point in thinking about yesterday
It's too late now
It won't ever be the same
We're so different now
I know I wanna run away
If only I could run away
I told you what i wanted
But I was forgotten
I won't be forgotten
Never Again

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


I choose Gamelan.. Lepas naik semester 5 nanti ( fuuuuhhh...semester 5 la siaakkk..senior kotttt.. ), dah tak jumpa dah dengan Gamelan. Dan nak dengar bunyi ketukan gamelan pun dah tak akan ada lagi. Lagi la nak bunyi ketaburan dan ketaksiuman bunyi bonang, pekin, gong, saron dan sebagainya yang dimainkan oleh pelajar-pelajar yang selalu lupa rentak. Terutama aku la...ngeh~ngeh~ngeh~

Sir : No more gamelan after this

Me : Why sir?

Sir : Because don't have a request from student.

Me : So sad sir...... :(

Sir Raymond.. (gambar curi-curi takut terlibat dalam skandal-sandal..baahhahaha)


When for the first time we met, his face was so funny with big smile on his face and excited to teach us about gamelan. I still remembered how i request to joint gamelan. I went to HEP to fill the form about my cocuriculum. Then i put gamelan as my first choice. The second was.........guess what?? INSTITUSI KEKELUARGAAN!!! what???!! bahahahahaha... The person who incharge that time is Mr.Raya. And i told him "TAK KISAHLAH ENCIK NAK MASUKKAN SAYA KAT KELAB MANAPUN,TAPI SAYA TAHU SAYA ADA KAT KELAB GAMELAN" Mr.Raya just only can smile.. Hee.. (masuk-masuk UITM dah pandai ugut-ugut.teruk betul perangai Insyirah ni)

When in semester 1, we play basic gamelan. Introducing about the equipment. The bonang, saron, pekin, gong, gendang. We have writing exam on the first semester. We cheating while Sir.Raymond make a copy of paper because the paper was not enough. Everybody open the book and finally we got A!! awwwwuuuuu..... it was bad actually. hee..

On semester 2 in Gamelan, we play more. we learn the music, how to use the equipment, how to make the sound better, how to work in team and so many. I still remembered how Sir.Raymond fade up with us when he calling who volunteer to play. But nobody want and his face so dissapointed with us. Lucky i have a friends like Amira and Fatin, who always want to volunteer. So i join them, even i know that i'm not good on it. But at least i'm not make Sir dissapointed on me. 

Me and Amira focussing to the sound..Serious we are focus! :) That is the Bonang

Ni namanya Pekin..Ngada-ngada suruh Fatin amek gambar so boleh belagak kat orang lain aku terror main. wee~~

Terlalu banyak kenangan masa dengan gamelan ni. Kalau pandai main, rasa seronok sebab dapat dengan kelembutan dan keasyikkan bonang. Rasa best giler. Lagi-lagi bila tension dengan kelas, dengan kawan, dengan kekasih hati yang super duper annoying, bila ketuk jep alat-alat gamelan dan keluar bunyi gema gamelan, terus rasa lebih rileks dan tenang..
On the last semester 2 of gamelan, we have a test to compete with 3 others group. But my group was so terrible. Bersepah giler. Lagi-lagi aku yang main Pekin ni. Dahlah bunyi paling nyaring, senang betul nak detect kalau aku salah note. weee~~ For the test my group have to redo test because our mark is low. So after 3 trial then we got 7.5 of 10.. TIGA KALI PERCUBAAN LA SEYHHHH...

Test group..gambar blur sebab print screen dari video. i'm at the right

Last picture with Sir Raymond (maiza..me..sir..fatin..aina)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Farra a.k.a Perez

I really wanna talk about this girl. My buddy, my friend, my enemy, my hater, and sweet hunny...


I called her Perez. It was a long story to tell how she got that name from us. Even we called her Perez, but it doesn't mean that she same and sexy like actress Indonesian, JULIA PEREZ..She's quite a nice girl. When i feel down, she always give me a support. She raised me up with her wonderful word. Always reminds me about friendship. When i don't like somebody, she always said "KITA TAK BOLEH TAK SUKA ORANG,TAPI KITA BOLEH TAK SUKA PERANGAI DIA JEP..KAWAN BUKAN UNTUK SEMENTARA, TAPI SEHINGGA HUJUNG NYAWA"

Bila rasa diri sangat sedih, Perez ni lah yang selalu ada untuk bersama. "HIDUP KITA TERLALU SINGKAT UNTUK DIHABISKAN DENGAN BERSEDIH, BERUSAHALAH UNTUK BERGEMBIRA"..

And when i feel lost in my study, low carry mark, low in quiz, bad presentation, dumb with a friend, i can't push myself to go through, and i feel want to die, she said... "OK..PERGILAH BUNUH DIRI, TERJUN DARI BANGUNAN UITM DARI TINGKAT PALING ATAS, BUT BEFORE THAT, TULIS WASIAT SO SENANG URUSKAN NANTI.."

...............i hate u Perez!

But then i realized, what should think about the past you did, but makes better for the next doing...

friendship may Allah bless

Semester 4 is Over!!

The final exam for semester 4 is over! owhhh...i feel good. holiday without book, without assignmet, without quiz.. it's so heaven guys! awwwwwwwwuuuuuuuuuu..........
baru baca tu dah tau sememangnya saya sangat la happy!

final kali ni quite good. lebih smooth jawab periksa. sekejap jep da habis semester 4. rasa banyak sangat main untuk semester kali ni. dengan keluar berfoye-foye dengan 5 sekawan. lagi-lagi dah ade kereta. memang panjang sangat lah langkah engko yer Insyirah. perasaan takut sangat dan baru tersedar dah nak final exam hanya la berlaku apabila paper kedua. maklumlah first paper adalah paper CTU. paper ni boleh main logik akal jep jawab. ( cewahh.. mampos kalau C.. )

bila dah start paper 2, semua bab dalam buku tu nak kena baca. masa tu baru lah kenal "word" yang tak pernah dengar dalam kelas. sebab banyak berangan.. disebabkan baru start paper, boleh la baca banyak sikit. baca satu buku pun boleh. sebab belum banyak input masuk otak. hee.

bila masuk exam, even dah banyak baca, tapi still nervous nak jawab exam. tapi bila buka paper, alhamdulillah. everything's fine. cuba try ingat balik apa yang dah baca malam tadi. bila otak dah start nak stuck, cepat2 cakap "Ya Allah,permudahkanlah Ya Allah" dan berkat doa ibubapa dan mereka yang disekeliling saya memudahkan semuanya. Alhamdulillah. terima kasih "awak" yang mengingatkan saya kelebihan surah Al-Fatihah.

InsyaAllah..harap lepas ni result akan baik sedikit. InsyaAllah..
Ya Allah..permudahkan lah Ya Allah. 

muka cantik jawab exam..tapi mengarut dalam paper..hewhew