Friday, April 15, 2011


: : assalamualaikum : :

i love a phrase that give a lot meaning, but we didn't say in true word actually.. hhhmmmmmmm..... ape ntah aku nak cakap ni.....ngeng!!

ok.i borrow this word from my Mr.Manager. even, what he saying to you that make you not to trust for 100% but at least you can take some word that give inspiration or as a your life principle.

the phrase sounds like this :

i need money but i don't need power.

what's that mean actually?? ok. it's mean a lot for me.. some people are busy to chase rank. they do everything to have a high rank in a job or class or wateva. it's not wrong if it is in right way to improve themself to get more better and more success so that people gonna respect them more. but there have some people outside there which is use a wrong way to suppress people so that other people respect them. then other people will give a bad impression to people that suppresses. (ok..ayat macam bahasa tamil sikit.haha)

ok. ape yang nak dicakap sebenarnya adalah..sometimes orang sibuk nak naik pangkat. gila kuasa la. so, mereka akan buat macam-macam contohnya tindas sesorang supaya orang lain nampak budak yang ditindas tu adalah orang yang tak pandai buat kerja. ok.tapi sebenarnya lebih baik cari sesuatu yang boleh datangkan hasil. contohnya tanam strawberi ke. tengok sikit strawberi leh tumbuh ke kat johor camni? haha. ok. i mean lebih baik cari kerja yang mendatangkan duit. one day, bila kita dah mampu bukak empayar kita sendiri, barulah kita rasa seronok sebab orang tahu kejayaan kita. silap-silap orang yang tindas kita tu kerja bawahan kita.

shoot person who love to suppressed other peolpe!!

chaiyok CHIRO!!!!

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